CallGuide WorkItem is a function receiving commissions (messages about tasks) from an external system via an open interface and then forwarding these commissions to the agents for action.
Work items in CallGuide are largely handled in the same way as emails, with the following differences:
Work items do not arrive via an email server. A work item is created by a so-called XML message arriving in CallGuide via an open interface. See section Overview of the work item flow.
You cannot send an answer back when a work item has been completed. The open interface, however, can be set up to offer a receipt for the reception of the work item.
A work item can be delivered in real time, without being blocked by large emails. A contact is considered being a work item if the work item task specific contact data key is assigned a value.
A work item does not come with a physical email. However, when created through WorkItem Interface, the work item can have an attached file, such as e.g. an audio file.
If the work items concerns Facebook contacts you need to configure some extra details as seen in Handle messages from social media.
The following eight steps give you an example of how a web work item is handled. The work item is generated in a bank support system and is routed to an agent at the bank. The agent is expected to react to the incoming task and then make the result visible on the bank’s web page on the Internet.
Information about a received work item is saved as long as the work item has not been completed, i.e. not ended through the End button in CallGuide Agent. At a restart of CallGuide Server and/or CallGuide WorkItem Server work items which have not been processed are recreated in order not to lose any contacts.
If the contact created in CallGuide WorkItem Server cannot be placed in the correct queue, e.g. because the relevant entrance to CallGuide Server is closed, the contact is buffered in WorkItem Server. When WorkItem Server notices that the entrance has been reopened, the contact will be routed to an agent.
There are cases when CallGuide WorkItem Server just sends an error message back to the sender of a work item. This means that no contact is created. This will happen when e.g. the work item sent from an external computer system.
In CallGuide Agent, a work item is presented with the same contact data keys as an email but a work item differs from an email contact by having a separate icon, a different preview window and no reply functionality. Via the open interface contact data keys can be given the values you want to see in CallGuide Agent. One difference from email processing is that the Did not arrive button in CallGuide Agent will not be seen if the contact is a work item (the work item contact data key has a value).
In CallGuide Pulse and CallGuide Report, work items are accounted for as email contacts. The best way to have them accounted for separately is to separate work item and email contacts by using different task types.